
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on tammikuu, 2018.

Jack the ripper අභිරහස් ඝාතකයා

Serial killers ලා ගැන ඔයගොල්ලො සමහර විට අහලා ඇති. අද කතා කරන්න යන්නේ එවැනි ඝාතකයෙක් ගැන, ඉතින් ඉස්සෙල්ලාම කියන්නම් Serial killer කෙනෙක් කියන්නේ කව්ද කියලා. ඇත්තටම Serial killer කෙනෙක් කියන්නේ හේතුවක් නොමැතිව මිනිස්සු ඝාතනය කරන කෙනෙකුට, ඒක ඇත්තටම කිවොත් මානසික විකෘතියක්. ලංකාවේ පසුගිය කාලයේ කහවත්ත ප්‍රදේශයේ කාන්තාවන් ඝාතනය උනා, ඒකත් බොහෝ විට සීරියල් ඝාතකයෙක් වෙන්න පුලුවන්. මෙවැනි ඝාතකයෙක් යම් තොරාගත් පිරිසක් තමයි ඝාතනය කරන්නේ, උදාහරණයක් විදියට මැදිවියේ කාන්තාවන් ඝාතනය කරන්න තොරාගත්ත නම් ඔවුන්ව තමයි ඝාතනය කරන්නේ. ගොඩාක් වෙලාවට ඔවුන් ලිංගික ක්‍රියාකාරකම් වලට පවා ඒ කියන්නේ දුෂණය කිරිමක් හෝ නොකරනවා, හේතුව ඔවුන්ගේ මානසික තෘප්තිය තමයි ඝාතනය කිරිම. ඉතින් අද කතා කරන්නේ ඉතිහාසයේ හිටිය එවැනි සිරියල් ඝාතකයෙක් ගැන, අදටත් ඔහු කව්ද කියන එක අභිරහසක්. ඔහු තමයි Jack the ripper. සුප්‍රකට ෂර්ලොක් හොම්ස් රචක සර් ආතර් කොනන් ඩොයිල් පවා මෙම ඝාතකයා කව්ද යන්න සොයා තියෙනවා. නමුත් අද වනතුරුත් Jack the ripper කව්ද යන්න හෙලි නොවු අභිරහසක්. මොහුගේ චරිතය අලලා චිත්‍රපට ගණනාවක් නිපදවා තිබෙනවා . 1888 වර්ශයේ ලන්ඩන

Study links low carbohydrate intake to increased risk of birth defects

Women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant may want to avoid diets that reduce or eliminate carbohydrates, as they could increase the risk of having babies with neural tube birth defects, according to a new study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The study will be published in the journal […] Science Blog http://ift.tt/2naLSpi http://ift.tt/2DAwUQl Visit our website to read more

Alzheimer’s drug targeting soluble amyloid falls short in a large clinical trial

A paper published today in the New England Journal of Medicine reports that solanezumab, a monoclonal antibody-based treatment for Alzheimer’s disease developed by Eli Lilly that targets amyloid plaques, did not significantly slow cognitive decline. Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC) led the multicenter study. Researchers have proposed that Alzheimer’s disease is caused by the […] Science Blog http://ift.tt/2DEebrk http://ift.tt/2E8w1Qf Visit our website to read more

Quantum cocktail provides insights on memory control

The speed of writing and reading out magnetic information from storage devices is limited by the time that it takes to manipulate the data carrier. To speed up these processes, researchers have recently started to explore the use of ultrashort laser pulses that can switch magnetic domains in solid-state materials. This route proved to be […] Science Blog http://ift.tt/2ncM3QT http://ift.tt/2DAzVAe Visit our website to read more

The origin of snakes — new evolutionary scenario presented

The early evolution of snakes happened from surface-terrestrial to burrowing in the lizard-snake transition suggests a research group at the University of Helsinki. The group’s new findings redirect the debate on evolution towards a new underexplored evolutionary scenario. Thus, the study adds another dimension to the investigation of snake origins. Research studies have previously established […] Science Blog http://ift.tt/2DCpGPU http://ift.tt/2E86N4g Visit our website to read more

Study of 3,000 drinkers’ attempts to cut down produces sobering results

January is a popular month for people trying to reduce their alcohol intake but how successful are they in doing so? A new study by the University of Bristol that assessed data on the drinking patterns of nearly 3,000 drinkers who reported that they were planning to reduce their alcohol consumption found that very few […] Science Blog http://ift.tt/2GiuqHZ http://ift.tt/2DAujG5 Visit our website to read more

Honeycomb maze offers significant improvement over current spatial navigation tests

A powerful new tool for the study of spatial memory was today described in Nature as a significant improvement over the current gold standard, the Morris Water Maze. The novel Honeycomb Maze design allows for systematic analysis of the decisions an animal makes during navigation. Spatial navigation tasks are used to study the way animals […] Science Blog http://ift.tt/2n7LlFt http://ift.tt/2Fg8wnD Visit our website to read more

Modern human brain organization emerged only recently

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, reveal how and when the typical globular brain shape of modern humans evolved. Their analyses based on changes in endocranial size and shape in Homo sapiens fossils show that brain organization, and possibly brain function, evolved gradually within our species and unexpectedly reached […] Science Blog http://ift.tt/2Bsnl4c http://ift.tt/2DNAgTx Visit our website to read more

Cutting cigarettes may help cut opioids crisis

In a six-month study recently concluded, a research unit affiliated with two hospital institutions and a university in Ottawa found that a reduction in the number of cigarettes smoked daily also reduced a smoker’s dependence on opioids. The study, “Management and Point-of-Care for Tobacco Dependence (PROMPT): a feasibility mixed methods Community Based Participatory Action Research […] Science Blog http://ift.tt/2nc0iGk http://ift.tt/2Fh7rMh Visit our website to read more